Industry insights

As you know, the financial industry is evolving fast and regulatory compliance is an increasingly important issue. Several changes and adjustments are foreseen for advisors, brokerage firms, and banks. RegTech...

Leading organizations share an ability to predict what customers will demand in the medium-term and apply creative problem-solving to develop innovative solutions. This type of client-centered approach is central to...

Big data, digital transformation, and business intelligence are all phrases that have become increasingly popular over the last few years. Financial institutions have embraced this new trend and have...

Taking on the “robo-advisors” won’t be easy. That’s why providing “product pitchers,” “assets allocators,” “model matchers” and “stock pickers” with the right tools is so important....

The advisor business is changing, and four trends will create a new advice model that will force advisors to focus on building a business, instead of a traditional practice....

The pace and scope of change in technology are accelerating. Everything from mobile adoption, processing power and broadband capacity to application design, hardware capability and data storage is evolving at...

Decommissioning a legacy or redundant system is the ultimate in “enterprise spring cleaning”. A long list of potential benefits of eliminating a system include: consolidating duplicative systems that deliver similar...

Research by the CFA and Edelman shows that when selecting an investment professional, investors care most about whether they can trust him/her to act in their best interest. Achieving high...